The machine does not connect to Chatter.
Troubleshooting steps:
Navigate to the "Machine Settings" page from the homepage list of machines.
At the bottom, under the Diagnostics heading, locate the following:
Log-Ons are when the Chatterbox handshakes with the Chatter service. If you see a recent / expected handshake from your public IP, the Chatterbox is connected to your network and can contact Chatter's servers. If you do not see any data here, please verify your wifi settings are correct.
Incoming Data is a live stream of data off of the machine. You should see a stream here if everything is connected. If the table is empty, as shown here, the machine is not online.
Errors are exceptions sent from the Chatterbox up to the API service. In this case, timed out is the most common error. This means that the Chatterbox can contact Chatter, but is not able to access your machine on the local network. Verify the machine IP address is correct, that you have the settings correct on the machine, restart the machine, and restart the Chatterbox.
If none of the above steps solve your problem, please contact Chatter support.
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